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A beacon of compassion and support dedicated to transforming lives across America. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities by providing essential resources, education, and opportunities for a brighter future. Whether it’s feeding families in need, offering educational programs for underserved youth, or supporting veterans, Hope for Tomorrow is committed to making a tangible difference. Join us in creating a better tomorrow, today. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient society where everyone has the chance to thrive.


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It is wrong to attest that there are no humanitarian needs in the United States of America. According to various reports and surveys undertaken by the Community Humanitarian Emergency Board (COHEB) in the Montgomery County of the Maryland state, in 2023, revealed that, 54% of the 1.52.521 people living in various cities of the County, are suffering from homelessness, making it the largest increase among inner suburbs of Washington DC.
Additionally, the racial composition of the homeless population in Montgomery County is predominantly white, with 77.2% falling into this category. These numbers highlight the ongoing efforts by the government and various stakeholders to address homelessness in the county and the need for continued support and resources.
The impact of drug abuse in Montgomery County is another significant concern. Approximately 60-70% of all crimes committed in Montgomery County are somehow tied to drug abuse. Death rate caused by this illegal and destructive malpractice, is between 16-30% between 2017 and 2023. While these statistics provide insight into the impact of drug abuse in the county, it is essential to continue monitoring and addressing the situation.

Another significant humanitarian concern in Montgomery County is the number of people living with different types of disabilities. Reports from the public health department in the county revealed that about 8.7% of residents in the county are suffering from disabilities, which amount to 91.129 people have at least one disability. This information is crucial for planners, local government decision makers, non-profit organizations, and the public to better understand the unique characteristics and humanitarian challenges faced by the Montgomery County community dwellers.
Other humanitarian and public concerns like the daily influx of illegal immigrants in the county, lack of basic community tools for commendable education programs, sexual abuse in various cities of the County amongst other community concerns, are alarming in the Montgomery County, making humanitarian intervention indispensable, and as the only way to accurately addressing this situation, and to guarantee sustainable response and solutions to the crisis.

The Community Humanitarian Emergency Board (COHEB) with her qualified team of humanitarian experts and professionals, has strategically figure out major projects, through her Health and rehabilitation, Education and social welfare departments, to significantly provide sustainable solutions and to support government efforts in addressing this humanitarian concerns in the Montgomery County. Support today and safe lives, safe our community.


Emmanuel Natoa Itoe


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